SRH Campus Hamburg

Prof. Dr. Hannes Antonschmidt

Professor of International Hotel Management

Phone: +49 351 407617-43
About me

About me

SRH Dresden School of Management, Professor International Hotel Management
Dresden School of Management, Lecturer Internationales Hotelmanagement l Head of study programme "Internationales Tourismus- und Hotelmanagement B.A". dual
MODUL University Vienna, Wien, Österreich, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Business and Socioeconomic Sciences
dwif-Consulting GmbH, Berlin, Consultant für die Tourismus- und Freizeitwirtschaft
University of Abertay Dundee, Dundee, Schottland, Master of Science in Management Accounting
Universität Potsdam, Potsdam, Deutschland, Bachelor of Science in Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Nebenfach Politik und Verwaltung

I have contributed to these publications

Antonschmidt, H., & Lund-Durlacher, D. (2021). Stimulating food waste reduction behaviour among hotel guests through context manipulation. Journal of Cleaner Production, 329, 129709. doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2021.129709

Antonschmidt, H., & Lund-Durlacher, D. (2019). Identifying Determinants of Sustainable Food Travel Product Choices – A Support Vector Machine Approach. 1-14. Abstract from 69th AIEST-conference, Varna, Bulgaria.

Antonschmidt, H. (2019). Dimensions of Sustainable Food and their Implications for All-Inclusive Tourism Concepts. Journal of Gastronomy and Tourism, 3(4). doi: 10.3727/216929719X15506759371988

Pröbstl-Haider, U., Lund-Durlacher, D., Antonschmidt, H., & Hödl, C. Mountain bike tourism in Austria and the Alpine region – towards a sustainable model for multi-stakeholder product development. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. doi: